Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Thanks to all of those who came out during Memorial Day Weekend to check out the earthship and to help pound tires!
Dave on the left, Cory center (you don't have to swing it that high, really), and Joe, working hard

A row of us pounding all at once: Paul, me (Courtney), Dave, and Cody

Phil visits from New York City!

My brother Connor (the day after his birthday!), my mom Char, and Phil

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The glass for the interior and exterior 90-foot front walls of our Earthship has arrived!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

More Visitors and Helpers!

Thanks so much to our recent visitors!  A tire you pound is one we won't have to!

Luke, our math TA at Caroline School, and Lexi
My dad and Michelle came back to earn their "I pounded a tire in the Freeville Earthship" sticker

Groton High School students Reid, Allee, and Ashlee worked hard in the heat!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thermal Wrap

Chad and I started the thermal wrap these past two weekends.  This 4-inch barrier stands 4 feet back from the tire wall and insulates this area.  Plastic is attached to the outside of the insulation boards as a vapor barrier to keep moisture out of the house.

First we laid plastic down behind the tire wall.

We connected two 2" thick insulation boards for 4" of insulation.

We started standing the insulation boards up and backfilled the area.

Notice the plastic hanging down from the board on the outside.

We insulated the cooling tubes in this inner-area so as not to warm the cool air that will be coming through them.

Done for now!

Next we'll continue with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th courses of the tire wall.  After about this point, we will continue the thermal wrap vertically and backfill the area again.  The thermal wrap will go all of the way up the back of the house and then tilt in to meet the house back wall at the top tire course.  This seals in the tire wall and compacted backfill to create a "temperature battery" for our home.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

 Happy Mother's Day!
My sister and mom drove down to Ithaca from Rochester so we could spend Mother's Day together.  After a picnic lunch, we pounded tires together!  Even Caitsy the princess helped.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's Been Rainy!

Sorry for not posting in awhile, but it's been pretty rainy these last couple of weeks and it has slowed things down at our site, which now looks like there's a moat around it.  We had some friends, family, and other people stop in to help pound a tire or two on the some-what clear days.

