Sunday, July 8, 2012

Workday Sunday 7/8/12

Today we had a lot of traffic at the site!  Friends Julie and Paul pounded tires, along with Chad's cousin Jon and his partner Neyda.  My coworker Nancy stopped over with her daughter Eliesha, visiting from Columbia!  She works with Columbia Eco Travel ( and hopes to build her own self-sustainable house with her husband there.  Later, Sean from Utica visited and worked in hopes of learning more about earthships to build his own someday.  Our friend Dave and his baby Natasha stopped over to see it too.  Meanwhile, I was presenting our project at the Freeville Picnic, and brought over community members afterwords to check it out!  Thanks everyone for the energy put into pounding on this hot day, and thanks to the Freeville community for donating the picnic's cans and extra water!  5th course is pretty much finished!

Julie, Neyda, and Jon put in a lot of hard work!

Nancy and her daughter Eliesha

Eliesha and Julie discuss how to tell when a tire is done

Sean visits from Utica

Evidence of hard work!


  1. My wife and I are thinking about building an Earthship in a few years. We would love to bring the kids by and show them what construction looks like. Where exactly in Freeville are you?

  2. Yes please stop by! 119 Ed Hill Road

    1. Looks like it will have to be Saturday. Had too much going on today, but we will come up for sure then. Thank you!
