Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 4

Today the vigas went up on the roof, we began nailing the ceiling boards onto those, the vault on our entryway was placed, and the greywater planter cell was filled with sand, rocks, gravel, more sand, then topsoil.  It was a hot, sunny day, but we are becoming an awesome team who really knows how to work together and have fun!

Christina working on bottle bricks

insulating the cisterns

pipes sticking up are for checking the water level in the completed planter
rolling the first viga on

Beau, LJ, Jacob, and Mike were the ones to guide 45 vigas onto the roof

rolling it across the beam

they decided to start carrying the vigas by hand to make it go faster

only two more left to place!

moving the metal vault in place

sand, large rocks, then gravel placed into the greenhouse planter cell 

starting to plaster the vault

beginning to lay the "decking" which is the wood planks perpendicular to the vigas for our ceiling
Kelly porcupining the vigas for can and cement placement

I got to jump in and run the nail gun

digging one more planter cell for our orange tree!
a peek from inside

Jesse and Christina at the bottle brick station

Dori at the bottle brick station
drilling the vigas in place
Hello Jacob! (little windows to let light into the vault) 
a very tired group at our 4:30 beer
Solar shower buddy up!
end of Day 4... wow!
cold storage pantry

open greenhouse hallway at entryway
living room/kitchen wall


  1. Amazing! I am so happy Kelley (my daughter) sent me your blog link! It is wonderful to actually see the progress of a home as it is being built - and for does my heart good to see glimpses of Kelley & Beau! I miss them so much!

  2. Wow! It must be amazing and so gratifying to see it all come together!
