Sunday, March 12, 2017

Fall/Winter Update

 Not a whole lot of progress on the 'Ship over the last few months.  We've actually had a pretty "normal" winter in terms of snowfall and temps which has made it hard to get things done.  The major upgrade was probably the installation of PV panels and radiator fans on the tops of the cooling tubes.  Since ours must perform a 90 degree turn underground to enter the house, this helps push air through the ~50' of earth tubing.

We finished them off with a rock exterior to hide the hideous black plastic.

The banana tree has been used to make tamales!

 Solara has been enjoying the orange harvest.

 Bearss Limes - pretty prolific for a small tree.

 I've been experimenting with grafting different types of citrus onto one tree - so far so good!

Looking forward to the spring weather!


  1. I just spent hours of my week reading your blog cover to cover. Your story is very inspiring! My boyfriend and I are getting ready to build our own 'ship in the next couple of years, and your story has definitely got me hyped! Thank you for your time in documenting the process and sharing with the world. =)

  2. Do you have a double poly layer on the underground greenhouse? This would help a lot. This guy claims to have kept his above freezing with double poly. But a zone 6 climate:

  3. I love the fact that you guys are growing oranges and bananas!!!

    I'm looking to build an earthship in Saugerties, NY so thanks for the inspiration.

    Looking good, arw yhere any more updates for you guys?

  4. I was curious about growing limes in a Earthship and I see that you have done it very very nice work excellent

  5. Any luck on those coffee beans?
